If you believe that Russia tampered with voting machines in order to change votes to get President Trump elected… congratulations you are joining the ranks of 58% of Democrats that are stupid enough to believe this nonsense. Per a recent YouGov poll 58% of Democrats believe that Russians hacked voting machines despite there not being a shred of evidence. There is far more evidence that illegals voted in our election and Democrats regularly refute that claim, but believe this nonsense. I won’t go into the specifics about how incredibly difficult it would be to hack thousands of machines that are not connected to networks in a meaningful way that would affect an election, but this one is ridiculous. Of course, we now have proof that Democrats are getting dumber since I when I wrote about this back in December, “Economist/YouGov Poll Results: Too Many Stupid People” which showed that the only 52% of Democrats were gullible to believe this.

Since then many of these idiots have consumed a steady diet of anti-Trump propaganda from CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and Washington Post. I believe that their hatred and vitriol is making them dumber since they persist in wearing their tin foil hats. Listen up morons (Leftists)… Russia did not hack any voting machines… Despite a nine-month investigation you still have not uncovered a single piece of evidence proving your wild Russian collusion theories… If you idiots would read more than the headline and first paragraph of these news stories you would see that every single one essentially says the exact same thing buries in the sixth paragraph… No evidence of wrongdoing has been found. You can Maxine Waters can waste your time digging for evidence that does not exist, but if this survey is correct then President Trump will not be impeached and 52% find it likely he will be reelected.


Posted by redstateronin


  1. Jimmie Dudansky February 9, 2020 at 6:37 am

    We are screwed because eventually these goat flea’s will soon out number the sane in this country. And when they fuck up they’ll blame Trump and us deplorables. While Bill Clinton is fornicating with an 8yr old.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. While I agree with this article, it would, perhaps, have a bit more punch to it if it didn’t have at least an average four grammatical or spelling mistakes per paragraph. Even a cursory proofreading would reveal them.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Andrew, Since you agree with the article it seems counterproductive to be a grammar cop. How do you “think” that shows support for the position as stated?



    1. It shows the carelessness of the writer, which indicates how he handles his “facts” as well.

      Liked by 1 person


      1. and your “FACTS” are where? Anonymous “Shows the carelessness of the writer or the cowardice of the writer to stand behind his own words.”


  4. That figures seems kind of low….

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Obama was excellent at grammar and speech but didn’t do anything for anybody . He shot hoops and played gulf.



    1. His speaking was only effective when he used a Teleprompter. Obama when his Teleprompter fails. He is a total disaster. Google it. He stumbled so bad it was unbelievable.



  6. Oh then 100% of the Retardicans are morons lol



  7. How do you play gulf?



  8. If you have half a brain you can see democrats see nothing but sheep. Over the years more and more of these useless drones are turned out of the liberal education system then fed garbage from the liberal press. This is the long term plan of the democrat party. So yes this article is true but need to bump it to 80% of them are brainless sheep being led to the slaughter.



  9. And yet here we are a few years down the line from this article, and it’s the Trumpers pushing the same line about vote switching due to tampering.



    1. Well let me counter your point. The machine vote switching narrative was pushed by a small minority of Trump supporters. Most Trump supporters were far more concerned about the other violations of the law. This includes meaningful access to counting/poll observations, allowing judges and state executives to change election law when it is clearly the constitutional authority of state legislators to determine the time and manner of elections, weakening of verification controls like signature verification and allowing people to use rules like indefinite confinement which allowed people to circumvent voter ID laws. Additionally, most Trump voters had issues with allowing a private corporation like FB to spend 400 billion dollars to unequally conduct ballot harvesting operations in primarily Democrat run districts which was a violation of equal protections.

      58% of Democrats at that time believed that Russia logged into our systems and changed votes, but I can point you to a forensic audit in Michigan where they found that the Dominion voting machines had security software that was three years out of date, windows operating software that was four years out of date, was missing logs and the logs that they did have were showing an error rate above 50%. While Democrats believed the Russian collusion narrative without any evidence there are almost 1,000 sworn affidavits of election irregularities in just five states. If you spend any time speaking to Trump voters you will find that only a small percentage believe the machine switching theory, but they still believe the election was stolen through manipulation in five primary places in the other ways that I outlined.



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